Q. Is a business required to provide health care, life and similar insurance coverages for its employees?
A. Although it's common to supply these kinds of "employee benefit" coverage for employees, the law generally doesn't ask for a company to achieve that. Most businesses supply these and similar advantages to attract and retain workers and as an extra type of compensation. However unionized workers must provide whatever benefits are required by the terms and conditions of their union contracts, and in addition it may be required to present particular types of employee benefits as a condition of doing business with or for governmental entities or agencies. Many states have opted to adopt laws requiring employers that are to give health insurance. Check with labor department or your state's insurance to find out if your state has adopted such a law.
Q. When do I want agreements with employees, contractors, and service providers (sometimes called SLAs?)
A. With general workers, you want to have policies, but not job arrangements. You should only have employment agreements with workers who are important to the organization or possess benefits that are unusual. Employment law is condition specific, so make sure you seek advice from with an attorney in your state about your circumstance.
Q. I have heard the terms 'at will' employees and 'for cause' employees. What exactly does this jargon mean?
(2) you are a part of a labour union and protected by a collective bargaining agreement
Q. I use written employment contracts with a few but not all of my employees. Any issues with that type of arrangement?
A. Written contracts may or might not be used to memorialize a job connection. A company may possess business reasons to offer contracts to a, but not all. This can be within an employer's discretion, provided that contractual rights aren't given to some workers and denied to others for some unlawfully discriminatory reason (e.g., race, gender, national origin, and age).
Q. Is it compulsory to notify authorities employees ahead of shooting them?
• there is a written or oral or implied employment agreement that requires advance notice of job termination;
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